Friday, March 28, 2025

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What 10 Cans of Soda a Day for a Month Will Do to You

December 3, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

Those of you who have read this blog or have heard me speak in public know what I think about drinking soda.  I saw this article posted today and wanted to share its contents with you.  George Prior, a 50-year-old man, followed in the steps of Morgan Spurlock from the film Super Size Me, and […]

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Nutrition and Depression Part 3

October 8, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

In my previous post, I discussed how Omega 3 Fatty Acid and B Vitamins can help to fight depression.  Research has also shown that several minerals are involved in fighting depression as well. Iron – Iron deficient anemia has been shown to be associated with increased fatigue, apathy, and depression. Calcium – Anti-depression drugs can […]

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Link Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Alzheimer’s Disease

September 17, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

  According to a recent study published in the journal Neurology, there is a clear link between Vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk for Alzheimer’s Disease.  Older adults who are moderately deficient in Vitamin D has a 53% increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s Disease, while adults who were severely deficient had a 125% increased […]

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Omega 3 Fish Oils May Reduce the Risk for ALS

August 6, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

I have written about the importance and necessity of taking Omega 3 Fish Oils daily, how they are essential for good heart health, and how they may prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s Disease.  There is also a great deal of research showing that Omega 3 Fish Oils promote a healthy nervous system.  On July 14, a research […]

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Omega 3 Fish Oil and Alzheimer’s Disease

July 30, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

  Omega 3 Fish Oil has been well documented to have many beneficial effects on overall health.  However, a recent study of 819 people published in the journal Alzheimer’s and Dementia,  showed that regular consumption of fish oil supplements caused a significant reduction in both brain atrophy and cognitive function in older adults. The studies […]

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A Predictive Equation for Vitamin D Replacement Dose

July 23, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

It is well-known and has been well researched that proper levels of Vitamin D are necessary to maintain optimal health.  I have written about how Vitamin D supplements are not only essential to good health, but that they may possibly prevent cancer deaths, Yet many of us in the USA are deficient in Vitamin D.  […]

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Demystifying Food Labels

June 25, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

Recently, I posted a blog about the FDA changing food labels.  However, due to the nature of these labels, there is still a large amount of confusion as to what certain words mean when it comes to foods.  I came across another article that talks about food labels and how to demystify them. A summary […]

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Vitamin D Supplements May Prevent Cancer Deaths

May 5, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

    A recent study in the March Journal of Anticancer Research reported that breast cancer  patients with higher concentrations of Vitamin D could reduce their mortality rates by approximately half.  This was a metadata analysis of five recent studies published in the literature where statistical trends were analyzed.  In these five studies, the trend is […]

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The Five Most Essential Vitamins to Take

April 21, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

    I found an article from earlier this year that is absolutely correct in which vitamins you should be taking to improve your health. Multivitamin – As I have mentioned before, due to many factors such as soil nutrient depletion and eating over-processed under-nutritious food, it is not possible for us to obtain proper […]

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How Soft Drinks Impact Your Health.

April 14, 2014 by  
Filed under Articles of Interest, Blog

For those of you who have heard me speak, you know that I am not a fan of soda and what soda does to your body.  I have used this infographic for a long time in the nutrition classes that I teach and I wanted to post this here.  No other comments need to be added […]

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