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My Memorial Day Story

May 23, 2014 by  
Filed under Blog

Uncle Lee 2 

Thank You Uncle Lee

As we pause to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for this country, I would like to take a moment to say Thank You to my Uncle Lee.  Lee was my Mother’s brother who served in the Navy in WWII.  He was killed in a training exercise for D-Day when his ship was attacked.  He now rests at the bottom of the Atlantic.  Uncle Lee, a man I never knew, gave his life for the freedoms that all of us enjoy. 

It is also appropriate for us to remember those sacrifices when we take part in the activities that are necessary to keep our democracy functioning – voting, paying taxes, and serving on a jury.  While we might not like doing those things, they are necessary to keep our country working, and because of the sacrifices of our soldiers, we can do these things in a country where we can enjoy these freedoms. 

May God Bless our Soldiers, past, present, and future, the soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms, and the United States of America!  And Thank You again Uncle Lee. R.I.P.

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